
How can GPT-4 help enterprise?


OpenAI released its next generation large language model GPT-4 to much fanfare on Tuesday, stating that it scored in the top 10% on many of the toughest exams including the bar and LSAT. As part of the announcement OpenAI revealed a dozen commercial partners including Duolingo, Stripe and Morgan Stanley that are incorporating GPT-4 into their workflow, products or systems. One analyst told Tech Monitor it includes features that “could be transformational for many businesses”.

OpenAI says its GPt-4 large language model can take text or image input and output text and code (Photo: Tada Images / Shutterstock)

The exact size and parameter numbers in GPT-4 haven’t been revealed although it is thought to be more than the 175bn in the previous generation GPT-3. Despite being trained on the same data, it has been fine-tuned to have a higher level of reasoning, fewer mistakes, and can take longer input including thousands of words from a document.

Combined with efforts to improve safety features and limit dangerous or toxic content generation using the tool has made it more viable for enterprise. This, combined with longer inputs of up to 25,000 words and better fine-tuning on company data opened a new avenue.

Morgan Stanley is using GPT-4 as a way to organise its knowledge base of hundreds of thousands of articles and insights on investment strategies, market research and analyst insights. It has been using embeddings to train and fine-tune the foundation AI model on this information and allow employees to use a chat interface to retrieve what they need.

“You essentially have the knowledge of the most knowledgeable person in wealth management—instantly”, said Jeff McMillan, head of analytics, data and innovation at the investment bank. “Think of it as having our chief investment strategist, chief global economist, global equities strategist, and every other analyst around the globe on call for every advisor, every day. We believe that is a transformative capability for our company.”

Delving deeper into he announcement, GPT-4 also includes improved document analysis which gives it a better understanding of context than GPT-3, which can be used for more accurate analysis of a business document such as a contract, report or legal paperwork.

GPT-4: More input and output flexibility

Manish Sinha, chief marketing officer at fibre optics manufacturer STL said the 40% boost in accuracy and 82% reduction in likelihood to generate an offensive response cited by OpenAI make it a much more viable option for enterprise. “GPT-4 also provides enterprises with much more input and output flexibility thanks to the new multi-modal capabilities,” he said. This is due to the fact the model can now take an image input and analyse it, providing a text report in response. It can also go further, with OpenAI demonstrating the ability of GPT-4 to take a rough sketch of a website and turn it into real code.

“At the very least, we’re likely to see more advanced and personalized virtual assistants, chatbots, and customer service interactions in the very near future,” said Sinha. “This could change the way enterprises interact and engage with customers, laying the groundwork for seamless self-service and more timely responses to queries with more multimedia content and immersive experiences that deliver value and context.”

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Dr Andrew Rogoyski from the University of Surrey Institute of People-Centred Artificial Intelligence, said its ability to respond to queries that include text, images, drawings and diagrams “opens it up to industries where the visual element of information is important, from image search to architecture.”

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This extends to providing an understanding of ways images and text relates to each other, which brings AI much closer to the way humans organize memories and ideas. “Imagine sketching something, then being able to ask the computer to find existing examples that resemble your sketch or provide a photorealistic rendering of your drawing. The possibilities are very exciting,” said Dr Rogoyski.

The problem that may arise is the size and training requirements for such a mode. “These LLMs require substantial and increasing amounts of computing infrastructure which means we’re becoming dependent on the Silicon Valley hyper-scale companies like Microsoft, Amazon and Google. This raises interesting questions about concepts of sovereign control of AI and dependencies that may prove uncomfortable for some organisations,” he said.

This feeds into calls for the UK to develop its own sovereign large language model. The government recently announced it was forming a taskforce to investigate ways foundation models could improve and impact on society, as well as how it should be regulated.

GPT-4 is ‘living up to the hype’

Nikolaj Buhl, Founder Associate at computer vision company Encord outlined several use cases for GPT-4 that would not have been viable in the previous version. “GPT-3 didn’t live up to the hype of AI and large language models, but it looks like GPT-4 does. GPT-4 represents a significant leap in AI capabilities compared to its predecessor GPT-3 and GPT-3.5.”

He suggested that it could enhance and improve customer support, particularly when the ability to process visual input is available through the API. This, explained Buhl, would allow for more comprehensive support including allowing customers to submit images of their issues. GPT-4 can also analyse images and charts to provide valuable strategic insights to businesses. Similarly, GPT-4 could also help generate data visualisations potentially helping businesses make informed decisions based on complex data sets,” he added.

“GPT-4 is set to bring numerous innovations to the enterprise and business landscape, with capabilities that surpass those of GPT-3.5 and other models,” Buhl adds. “Businesses that adopt GPT-4 will likely gain a competitive edge by leveraging its advanced multi-model capabilities, natural language understanding, multi-tasking abilities, and enhanced personalization features, among other benefits.”

Aaron Kalb, co-founder of enterprise data company Alation, said GPT-4 cannot be trusted to advise on important decisions when relying on its training purely on publicly available data and no specific proprietary information. “That’s because it’s designed to generate content that simply looks correct with great flexibility and fluency, which creates a false sense of credibility and can result in so-called AI ‘hallucinations,'” he explained. “While the authenticity and ease of use is what makes GPT so alluring, it’s also its most glaring limitation.”

“If, and only when, a GPT model is fed knowledge with metadata context – so essentially contextual data about the data like where it’s located, how trustworthy it is, and whether it is of high quality – can these hallucinations or inaccurate responses be fixed, and GPT trusted as an AI advisor,” he added. While it is incredibly impressive in its ability to sound smart, it still has no idea what it is saying and doesn’t have the knowledge it “tries to put into words.”

“It’s just really good at knowing which words ‘feel right’ to come after the words before, since it has effectively read and memorized the whole internet. It often gets the right answer since, for many questions, humanity collectively has posted the answer repeatedly online. The Shakespearean sonnets about tuna salad are not actually original works of tremendous creativity but rather excellent pastiches of other content, like someone making a ransom note by cutting letters out of different magazines.”

Read more: Could UK build large language AI model for tools like ChatGPT

Topics in this article : AI , ChatGPT , OpenAI

周二,OpenAI高调发布了下一代大型语言模型GPT-4,称该模型在包括律师资格考试和法学院入学考试(LSAT)在内的许多最难的考试中都取得了前10%的成绩。作为公告的一部分,OpenAI透露了包括Duolingo、Stripe和摩根士丹利在内的十几个商业合作伙伴,这些合作伙伴正在将GPT-4纳入他们的工作流程、产品或系统中。一位分析师告诉Tech Monitor,它包含的功能“可能会对许多企业产生变革”。GPT-4的确切大小和参数数量尚未公布,但据认为它超过了上一代GPT-3的1750亿个。尽管在相同的数据上进行了训练,但它经过了微调,具有更高水平的推理,更少的错误,并且可以从文档中输入更长的时间,包括数千个单词。结合使用该工具改进安全特性和限制危险或有毒内容生成的努力,使其对企业更具可行性。这一点,再加上长达2.5万字的更长输入,以及对公司数据更好的微调,开辟了一条新的道路。摩根士丹利正在使用GPT-4作为一种组织其数十万篇文章和投资策略、市场研究和分析师见解的知识库的方式。它一直在使用嵌入技术来训练和微调基于这些信息的基础人工智能模型,并允许员工使用聊天界面来检索他们所需的内容。该投行分析、数据和创新主管杰夫•麦克米伦(Jeff McMillan)表示:“你基本上拥有财富管理领域最博学的人的知识——马上就能掌握。”“你可以把它想象成让我们的首席投资策略师、首席全球经济学家、全球股票策略师和全球其他所有分析师每天随时待命,为每位顾问服务。我们相信这对我们公司来说是一种变革性的能力。GPT-4还包括改进的文档分析,使其比GPT-3更好地理解上下文,后者可用于更准确地分析合同、报告或法律文书等业务文档。光纤制造商STL的首席营销官Manish Sinha表示,OpenAI的准确性提高了40%,产生攻击性反应的可能性降低了82%,这使得OpenAI成为企业更可行的选择。他说:“由于新的多模态功能,GPT-4还为企业提供了更多的输入和输出灵活性。”这是因为该模型现在可以接受图像输入并分析它,并提供一个文本报告作为响应。它还可以更进一步,OpenAI演示了GPT-4将网站的粗略草图转化为真实代码的能力。Sinha说:“至少,在不久的将来,我们可能会看到更先进、更个性化的虚拟助手、聊天机器人和客户服务互动。”“这可能会改变企业与客户互动和互动的方式,为无缝自助服务和更及时地响应查询奠定基础,提供更多多媒体内容和沉浸式体验,提供价值和背景。”萨里大学以人为本人工智能研究所的安德鲁·罗戈伊斯基博士说,它能够响应包括文本、图像、图纸和图表在内的查询,“为图像搜索和建筑等视觉信息元素非常重要的行业打开了大门。”这扩展到提供对图像和文本相互关联方式的理解,这使人工智能更接近人类组织记忆和想法的方式。“想象一下,你在画一些东西的草图,然后可以让计算机找到与你的草图相似的现有示例,或者提供一个逼真的效果图。这种可能性非常令人兴奋,”Rogoyski博士说。 可能出现的问题是这种模式的规模和训练要求。“这些llm需要大量且越来越多的计算基础设施,这意味着我们越来越依赖硅谷的超大规模公司,如微软、亚马逊和谷歌。这引发了关于人工智能主权控制和依赖性概念的有趣问题,这可能会让一些组织感到不舒服。”这促使人们呼吁英国开发自己的主权大型语言模型。政府最近宣布,它正在组建一个特别工作组,研究基金会模式如何改善和对社会的影响,以及应该如何监管。计算机视觉公司Encord的创始人助理Nikolaj Buhl概述了GPT-4的几个用例,这些用例在以前的版本中是不可用的。“GPT-3没有达到人工智能和大型语言模型的宣传效果,但它看起来像GPT-4。与之前的GPT-3和GPT-3.5相比,GPT-4代表了人工智能能力的重大飞跃。他建议,它可以增强和改善客户支持,特别是当通过API处理可视化输入的能力可用时。Buhl解释说,这将提供更全面的支持,包括允许客户提交他们的问题的图像。GPT-4还可以分析图像和图表,为企业提供有价值的战略见解。同样,GPT-4还可以帮助生成数据可视化,潜在地帮助企业根据复杂的数据集做出明智的决策。GPT-4将为企业和商业领域带来众多创新,其功能超过GPT-3.5和其他型号,”Buhl补充道。采用GPT-4的企业可能会通过利用其先进的多模型功能、自然语言理解、多任务处理能力和增强的个性化功能等优势获得竞争优势。”企业数据公司Alation的联合创始人亚伦·卡尔布(Aaron Kalb)表示,如果GPT-4的培训完全依靠公开数据,而没有特定的专有信息,那么它就不能就重要决策提供建议。他解释说:“这是因为它的设计目的是生成看起来正确的内容,具有极大的灵活性和流畅性,这造成了一种虚假的可信度,并可能导致所谓的AI‘幻觉’,'”“虽然真实性和易用性是GPT如此诱人的原因,但这也是它最明显的局限性。”他补充说:“如果且仅当GPT模型被输入元数据上下文的知识时——本质上是关于数据的上下文数据,比如它位于哪里,它有多值得信赖,以及它是否高质量——这些幻觉或不准确的反应才能被修复,GPT才能被信任为人工智能顾问。”虽然它听起来很聪明,但它仍然不知道自己在说什么,也不知道它“试图用语言表达”的知识。“它真的很擅长知道哪些单词‘感觉正确’应该跟在前面的单词后面,因为它已经有效地阅读和记忆了整个互联网。它经常会得到正确的答案,因为对于许多问题,人类集体在网上反复发布了答案。莎士比亚关于金枪鱼沙拉的十四行诗实际上并不是具有巨大创造力的原创作品,而是对其他内容的出色模仿,就像有人从不同的杂志上剪下字母来写勒索信一样。”








