
EU to regulate ‘general purpose’ AI like ChatGPT

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来源: techmonitor

European politicians want to expand the EU AI Act to regulate general purpose AI such as ChatGPT and image generators like Midjourney. These tools weren’t included in the original version of the act currently being debated by lawmakers but the technology has progressed faster than expected. It follows moves in the US and China to regulate AI at developer, rather than user, level.

ChatGPT launched in November 2022 and its success led companies like Google and Salesforce to change direction (Photo: Ascannio / Shutterstock)
ChatGPT launched in November 2022 and its success led companies like Google and Salesforce to change direction. (Photo: Ascannio/Shutterstock)

Since its launch in November 2022, OpenAI’s chatbot ChatGPT has become one of the fastest-growing apps in history and led to companies like Google, Microsoft and Salesforce updating their software and business plans to incorporate generative AI.

A report by Goldman Sachs suggests this technology could hit 300 million jobs across every sector of the economy but also lead to a global productivity boom. This, combined with the risk of misinformation from generated content has led to calls for stricter regulation.

A group of 12 European Parliament politicians are working on updating the EU AI Act, details of which are currently being finalised, to include a “set of preliminary rules for the development and deployment of powerful General Purpose AI systems” that can be adapted easily for a range of purposes.

Companies like Microsoft, which has a $10bn investment in OpenAI and utilises its technology across its product suite through the Copilot brand, say general AI tools should be regulated based on end-use rather than at the development level. In contrast, China recently unveiled a set of generative AI regulations that place the burden of accuracy and trust on the developer of the AI model.

The EU politicians have written an open letter to European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen and US president Joe Biden calling for a global summit on the governance of general AI, suggesting a need for a joined-up, human-centric and safe approach.

EU AI approach: need to ‘pause’ and reflect on development

“The recent advent of and widespread public access to powerful AI, alongside the exponential performance improvements over the last year of AI trained to generate complex content, has prompted us to pause and reflect on our work,” in regulating AI, the letter states. The current act focuses on high-risk use cases such as medicine and law, but doesn’t consider the implications of tools with more than one purpose such as a large language model.

It comes as a number of EU countries have opened investigations into OpenAI’s ChatGPT over data protection concerns. Italy recently banned the use of the tool and stopped OpenAI processing Italian user data until it complied with GDPR and in the US the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has warned it will pursue any company using AI to violate laws against discrimination.

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Lina Khan, FTC chair, warned against using AI tools in this way during a congressional hearing yesterday, alongside commissioners Rebecca Slaughter and Alvaro Bedoya. “It’s not okay to say that your algorithm is a black box and you can’t explain it,” declared Bedoya, explaining that companies couldn’t hide behind an algorithm or AI to violate laws.

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The UK is taking a more open, innovation-friendly approach to AI regulation, focusing on end-use and putting guidelines in the hands of individual industry regulators, rather than having a single, overarching AI act. This runs counter to the stricter rules being considered elsewhere.

The open letter from EU lawmakers follows a similar open letter from the Future of Life Institute published in March, and signed by the likes of Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak, which called for a pause on the development of large language models until ethical standards could be established.

Not all MEPs agreed with the Future of Life Institute letter, describing it as “alarmist” but with some good points, suggesting agreement with “the letter’s core message” if not the entire message. They added that “we see the need for significant political action,” in their own open letter that demanded democratic and “non-democratic” countries reflect on the potential risks posed by powerful AI.

Read more: Biden Administration ramps up efforts to regulate ChatGPT

Topics in this article : AI , EU , Regulation

欧洲政界人士希望扩大欧盟人工智能法案,以监管ChatGPT等通用人工智能和Midjourney等图像生成器。这些工具并不包括在立法者目前正在讨论的法案的原始版本中,但这项技术的发展速度比预期的要快。此前,美国和中国在开发者而非用户层面对人工智能进行监管。自2022年11月推出以来,OpenAI的聊天机器人ChatGPT已成为历史上增长最快的应用程序之一,并导致b谷歌、微软和Salesforce等公司更新了他们的软件和商业计划,以纳入生成式人工智能。高盛(Goldman Sachs)的一份报告显示,这项技术可能会在经济的各个领域创造3亿个就业岗位,但也会带来全球生产率的繁荣。这一点,再加上来自生成内容的错误信息的风险,导致了对更严格监管的呼吁。一个由12名欧洲议会政客组成的小组正在努力更新《欧盟人工智能法案》(EU AI Act),该法案的细节目前正在敲定中,以包括“一套开发和部署强大的通用人工智能系统的初步规则”,这些规则可以很容易地适应各种目的。微软(Microsoft)等公司表示,一般的人工智能工具应该基于最终用途而不是开发层面进行监管。微软向OpenAI投资了100亿美元,并通过Copilot品牌在其产品套件中使用了OpenAI的技术。相比之下,中国最近公布了一套生成式人工智能法规,将准确性和信任度的负担放在了人工智能模型的开发者身上。欧盟政界人士向欧盟委员会主席乌苏拉·冯德莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen)和美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)写了一封公开信,呼吁召开一次关于通用人工智能治理的全球峰会,提出需要一种联合起来的、以人为本的安全方法。在监管人工智能方面,信中写道:“最近强大的人工智能的出现和广泛的公众访问,以及过去一年人工智能训练生成复杂内容的性能指数级提高,促使我们停下来反思我们的工作。”当前的法案关注的是高风险用例,比如医学和法律,但是没有考虑到具有多个目的的工具的含义,比如大型语言模型。与此同时,一些欧盟国家因数据保护问题对OpenAI的ChatGPT展开了调查。意大利最近禁止使用该工具,并停止OpenAI处理意大利用户数据,直到它遵守GDPR。在美国,联邦贸易委员会(FTC)警告称,它将追究任何使用人工智能违反反歧视法律的公司。在昨日举行的国会听证会上,FTC主席莉娜•汗(Lina Khan)与专员丽贝卡•斯劳特(Rebecca Slaughter)和阿尔瓦罗•贝多亚(Alvaro Bedoya)一起警告不要以这种方式使用人工智能工具。贝多亚说:“不能说你的算法是一个黑盒子,你无法解释它。”他解释说,公司不能躲在算法或人工智能背后违反法律。英国正在采取一种更加开放、创新友好的人工智能监管方式,将重点放在最终用途上,并将指导方针交给个别行业监管机构,而不是制定单一的、包揽一切的人工智能法案。这与其他地方正在考虑的更严格的规定背道而驰。在欧盟议员发出这封公开信之前,生命未来研究所(Future of Life Institute)今年3月发表了一封类似的公开信,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)和史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak)等人签署了这封公开信,呼吁在建立道德标准之前暂停大型语言模型的开发。并不是所有的欧洲议会议员都同意生命未来研究所的这封信,他们将其描述为“危言耸听”,但也有一些好的方面,建议他们同意“这封信的核心信息”,如果不是全部的话。他们在自己的公开信中补充说,“我们认为有必要采取重大的政治行动”,要求民主和“非民主”国家反思强大的人工智能带来的潜在风险。

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